About Me


2000, Ph.D., Ecological Institute, Lund University (Sweden), Thesis Title: Plant-climate interactions over historical and geological time. Thesis Co-Supervisors: Martin T. Sykes & Richard Bradshaw.

1997, M.Sc., Department of Botany, University of Toronto, Thesis Title: The influence of low atmospheric CO2 on temperature stress in Phaseolus vulgaris: implications for Pleistocene environments. Thesis Supervisor: Rowan F. Sage.

1994, Diploma in Forest Resource Management, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto.

1989, B.Sc., Double majors in biophysics and anthropology, University of Toronto.

One response to “About Me

  1. Sharon, you are one of the most cheerful, positive and enthusiastic individuals I have met so far.
    The new website is quite nice. cheers,
    Ajit Govind, Bordeaux, France.

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